All the students are progressing very well in school.
In the Pokot Region we now have three girls entering Class 8. Two are entering Class 7 (Junior Secondary School) and seven girls are still in Primary. It is a big achievement to see these girls getting on so well in school.
Most of the girls are victims of FGM torture and have run away to avoid early marriage, often to very old men. Any man, regardless of his age, with goats, cows, sheep, or camels, can marry the wife of his choice, even if she is very young.
The girls are having their long break around Christmas holidays, and this is a risky time for them. I have only had good news concerning our 12 Pokot girls. The risk is when they go home, and the parents want to marry them off.
Fr. Frederick has assigned some teachers from that area to monitor the girls. Fr. Frederick is also taking time to visit them every week. As well, the Chief from that area is aware of the situation and is monitoring their safety. We believe that in January, next year, all the girls will be safe and back in school again. This is the only area where Fr. Frederick must create security to monitor the girls throughout the holiday.
The other girls from Meru are well. One of them sat the KPSEA Exam (Kenya Primary School Education Assessment), and we are waiting for the result. The other girl in grade one, by the name of Blessy, has had many challenges. For now, Blessy is staying with Agnes, who understands her very well. Agnes is also taking care of Caroline.
I can confirm that all sixteen girls and one boy are safe under God’s wings as they all break for the long Christmas holiday until January. I have not encountered any child with serious sickness, with three exceptions.
One of them is Blessy, who suffered typhoid and malaria in July, but Agnes, her caregiver, took her to hospital for medical attention. Also, Nahashon fell sick, but he sought medical attention, and he has been treated. Winfred also fell sick, and the doctor confirmed that it is an issue of hormone imbalance. The doctor recommended certain foods to eat daily, like green vegetables, to balance her hormones.
In summary, there have been many achievements for ICO’s Nakuru-Meru School Sponsorship.
- Caroline took the KPSEA exam. Next year she will join JSS (Junior Secondary School).
- Joy took the KPSEA exam. Next year she will join JSS.
- Evelyne took the KPSEA exam. Next year she will join JSS.
- Valentine sat the final exam this year (Form 4 KCSE). Next year she will go to university.
- Elizabeth sat the final exam this year (Form 4 KCSE). Next year she will go to university.
- Florence graduated from Kenyatta University, Nairobi.
- Rebecca graduated from Mt. Kenya University, Thika.
- Nahashon graduated from Embu University, Embu. Next year he will join the Kenya School of Law.
- All of this is happening because of the efforts of
On behalf of all of the learners, I thank you for the support that you offer, from the primary level to the university level. This education enables the sponsored learners’ dreams to come true. Furthermore, education is the key to open many doors to success in the life of any human creature.
This update prepared by Joash Barasa Wakhungu, Field Manager, Kenya, Nakuru-Meru School Sponsorship